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January News: Purple Power – Ferrate Removes 94% of Ammonia from Florida Landfill Leachate 2500 1665 Ferrate Solutions

January News: Purple Power – Ferrate Removes 94% of Ammonia from Florida Landfill Leachate

A team of Ferrate Solutions engineers spent the first week of January running treatability tests of Ferrate on leachate from one of Florida’s largest landfills, and the result was near-total removal of ammonia from the wastewater samples.

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First non-U.S. Water Treatability Tests Completed 1300 640 Ferrate Solutions

First non-U.S. Water Treatability Tests Completed

Ferrate Solutions was actually launched with a more dire mission and market target – cleaning up contaminated drinking water in developing countries where the only alternative for safe water, is to buy it bottled.

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PFAS? Ferrate Works On That, Too. 2000 1333 Ferrate Solutions

PFAS? Ferrate Works On That, Too.

Perfluorinated compounds (PFAS) are chemicals consisting of a carbon structure attached to fluorine molecules.

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Canals ALREADY catch it all! Let’s use them for treatment. 2000 1333 Ferrate Solutions

Canals ALREADY catch it all! Let’s use them for treatment.

As our Basin Management Plans (BMAP) are being reviewed, and the Blue-Green Algae Task Force continues to meet, serious discussions are taking place about ways to actually limit nutrient input to our surface waters.

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