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Ferrate vs. Blue Green Algae – The real culprit isn’t just nitrogen and phosphorus, it’s ammonia. 2880 1920 Ferrate Solutions

Ferrate vs. Blue Green Algae – The real culprit isn’t just nitrogen and phosphorus, it’s ammonia.

It’s time to get serious about treating wastewater and stormwater runoff, PROPERLY, before it ends up in our surface and groundwater.

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green algae
Impounding Nutrient Rich Water can Never Begin to Prevent Massive Algal and Bacterial Blooms in Florida’s Waterways… NEVER… 6016 4016 Ferrate Solutions

Impounding Nutrient Rich Water can Never Begin to Prevent Massive Algal and Bacterial Blooms in Florida’s Waterways… NEVER…

Impoundment of nutrient rich water from agricultural runoff, or wastewater treatment plant effluent has evolved as the only acceptable treatment scenario to prevent disastrous algal and bacterial blooms in Florida.

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Drinking Water Bubbles
Radionuclides in Drinking Water; A Market for Ferrate? 2000 1333 Ferrate Solutions

Radionuclides in Drinking Water; A Market for Ferrate?

Most of the radionuclides present in drinking water supplies are from natural sources. Naturally occurring radionuclides are created in the upper atmosphere and are bound in the Earth’s crust.

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Green and orange algae on the river
Some Comments About The Ongoing Nutrient/Algae Saga 4912 3264 Ferrate Solutions

Some Comments About The Ongoing Nutrient/Algae Saga

Some Comments About The Ongoing Nutrient/Algae Saga

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